JAXX The ANDERSIN now on KICKSTARTER ( Click here to see it on KS )
WS:: What is your Goal and Why That Goal amount?
Rob Andersin: Book 1 is the story of JAXX my Son. So this could be confused for a vanity project. But I am writing from what I know and what calls to me from my creative center. But I acknowledge, considering this my 1st children’s book people might be curious and unsure. $750 gets this book printed. That’s the Goal. I believe once it’s printed and in people hands, they will see the magic of the story and see the potential and they will get that I won’t let them down. With 750 we can start a long Journey, we would love to make more but we only 750.
WS:: Why is this project important to you?
Rob: Because it is at its core A story about imagination and human connection. The 1st Human Connection we have is with our parents. And far too often we talk about what parents do wrong or focus on the bad. This is a way to show the relationship between parent and children can be and is a beautiful relationship.
WS:: Why go through Kickstarter?
Rob: Me and DAVE BROWN the Artist Team up and are doing this because we believe in the powerfulness and potential of this series. With that said often to make Dream project like this come true, it takes a community of believers and Kickstarter allows us to find believers to support our dreams.
WS:: What makes your Kickstarter Stand Out?
Rob: Our long term plan. I will Write Jaxx stories for as long as people read them, however, I wanted this to be something deep with more meaning. Once I knew I was gonna make this Children’s story I realized other Creator might want to be able to celebrate their children and make their kids a story they could read. I always want to bring Creators together and I truly feel like this project might bring together a massive amount of creators who will be making a group breaking Project.
WS:: Will this be an ongoing series?
ROB: I think it is more than a Series. Jaxx and his title will be a series but with this 1st book, we are making a universe. By the time we are done with Book 3 who knows how many Children’s book will come from that project. This could open the door to a new wave of children’s story told for a modern generation with contemporary morals for a new generation.
WS: How are important are you Stretch Goals?
Rob: We are a Stretch Goal hopeful Kickstarter, because I feel the 1st 2 books will set the Stage for the bigger project. I know as indie creators the idea is to keep the secrets but why? Because someone else might do it? Well if someone does what I say I want to do and does it better than more power to them. I believe I am gonna do what I say in a fantastic way that few would ever even consider it. SO if you steal the idea understand I am coming and my imagination is going to do it a natural no xerox way. So we have talked about the Jumbo Coloring Comic Book and will continue too. And Yes JAXX will be in the book and as a matter of Fact has a bigger part to play along with Breanna. SO this Creative world of Creative Next Gens will Move be amazing. Wanna know the Title of the Book. It is hidden on Jaxx the Andersin’s Facebook page go see if you can find it.
WS: If you saw this project, pretending it wasn’t your what would do you think of it and how you would react to it and Why?
Rob: I would think aww that’s cute a Comic book about someone’s kid. If I Wasnt a Dad I would give it a share and move on. But as a Dad and a Creator I think I would hope to be asked to join book 3. I also would reach out and ask how I can help and I would get a Book for me and Jaxx. Its what I do if I like a project and I think Jaxx is ok to have it. I think the idea of the Jumbo Coloring book would impress me
WS Bonus Questions: Give em the Pitch Creator
Rob: Jaxx The Andersin is the World seen through the eyes of the son of Creators. In the 1st bo0k Jaxx ponders what it means to be a superhero. He turns to his Dad ( ME) to ask what makes a person a superhero, and I fill him in and through imagination the idea plays out until Jaxx comes to his conclusion over what and who to him Real Super Heroes are.
JAXX The ANDERSIN now on KICKSTARTER ( Click here to see it on KS )
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[…] The Writer of Jaxx the Andersin Answers 7 Deadly Kickstarter Questions […]
[…] The Writer of Jaxx the Andersin Answers 7 Deadly Kickstarter Questions […]
[…] The Writer of Jaxx the Andersin Answers 7 Deadly Kickstarter Questions […]