Howie Noel
Nom De Plume:
I sign art as HC Noel
Creative Position:
Creator, Artist, Writer, Publisher
Growing up:
Web of Spider-Man
and now:
The Walking Dead
The 1 Superpower you want:
Power of Inner Peace
Howie Noel's Credits:
Tara Normal, Mr. Scootles, Vincent: The Painter of Death, Tales of Mr. Rhee, Love Stories to Die
There is Nothing Normal About
The 7 Deadly Questions
Why is Tara Normal worth peoples fandom?
It’s an exciting story about an all-new type of hero in a familiar genre but told in an bold, unique way. Tara rules and the ghouls drool.
What is a indie comic book series you would want to cross over with?
The Living Corpse.
What is the next big step for the Tara Normal Franchise?
Book 3 on Kickstarter in October 2017 and possibly a game and toys as well.
Do you think women are still over sexualized and are you allays mindful to make sure that its not an issue in your comics?
I am very mindful of how Tara is portrayed in my books. I’m also concerned with her heroics and relation to other characters. She doesn’t need rescuing. She is never a damsel in distress. She does the saving.
Has anyone ever used Tara or her crew with out your permission and how did or would you deal with it?
People can google to see my history that, I own the trademark and my books are copyrighted. Plus I have a great lawyer.
If offered 2 million dollars to completely walk away from Tara would you?
Great question. I’ve never thought about that. It gives me hives to even try to come with an answer. If someone has 2 million bucks and an idea, feel free to contact me.
What is a mistake you have made that you would want to warn others about and stop them from making the same mistake?
Don’t compare yourself to others. Once you realize you have no rivals and you just set out to create, you will feel so free.
Well that wasn’t normal and we liked it. So you can have one paragraph to tell us why we should become fans and what you are working on now :
I write and draw all new stories with fun and weird characters. I play with the idea of genres and add humor to even my darkest stories. I like my readers to become my friends and I love seeing my work entertain and inspire others. I’m currently working on an autobiographical comic as well as Tara Normal Book 3.
[…] Howie Noel Creator, Artist, Writer, Publisher […]
[…] Howie Noel Creator, Artist, Writer, Publisher […]
[…] Howie, didn’t anyone every tell you to be careful of what you wish for? […]
[…] Howie, didn’t anyone every tell you to be careful of what you wish for? W33.16.T […]
[…] Howie, didn’t anyone every tell you to be careful of what you wish for? W33.16.T […]
[…] Howie, didn’t anyone every tell you to be careful of what you wish for? W33.16.T […]