The 7 will Find Creators even on Twitter to Destroy..

Trintiy 1Name:
Nom De Plume:
Creative Position:
Indie artist
Contact Info:
You can find me on my twitter: @TrinityCodex
or PM me at:
Growing up:
I wasn’t really into comic books when i was little.
and now:
Right now, my favorite comic is Kill Six Billion Demons!
The 1 Superpower you want:

The7Deadly   Questions

Trintiy 8Trintiy 9

What are you most proud of being a creative part of?
I work alone right now so creating my webcomic is one thing im really proud of!

What Indie Title are you currently a huge fan of?
Kill six billion demons a comic called Retroblade!

What has been your favorite project to work on and why?
My own webcomic. And my favorite part of it was printing it and holding it in my hands.

Is sexuality focused on too much in comic books?
Not really, all characters are genderless robots

What about our society is a topic we need to address?
The fact that professional comics are still a boys only club.

If you could out right own any Character ever created and than make your own stories for them, who would that character be?
I feel pretty happy working with my own characters.

trintiy 4Trintiy 3

What is a mistake you made in your early years that our reader can learn form ?
I’m still very new to all of this so I guess not starting earlier.

Well done you have a single paragraph to tell us why we should become fans and what you are working on now :
Right now I work on Trinity. My passion project to learn the basics of comic making. A pretty experimental comic about magic robots traveling through time. It’s inspired by all sorts of mythology and classical literature.
So if you like mythology and magic lore you probably like Trinity!

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