Matthew Mason messaged with THE & DEADLY QUESTIONS

13521050_252479675129784_1982033584_nMatthew Mason

Twitter name M3SOZ

Location: Toledo Ohio

Creative Title: Writer and Artist

Credits: I penciled and inked a indie horror comic in collaboration with Arrow comics Titled ”The Dead” back before zombies where the in thing, I also penciled and inked a indie title in collaboration with a start up publisher Innervisions on a small title called ”Dark Echoes, I took time some time off from comics awhile and perused art exhibitions in gallery and museum settings where my work was apart of various art shows. Most recently I set out to self publish my first creator owned graphic novel titled ”Servants of Zaluhakul” which is 104 pages the first 3 chapters of a series currently under production. I also concurrently self published a poem and illustration book titled’ ‘Shadows of Antiquity’ and have plans to publish a book hosting a collection of my fantasy/horror illustrations. I have plans to keep kicking stuff out now that I have the methods down

Creative Title: Author and Illustrate

If you could have 1 power: If I could have 1 power, it would be to have any power I decide when I decide it. so basically all powers

Mathew Mason you have dared to messenger

The7Deadly Questions

Prepare to do a battle of wits

What do you think about your skill level vs other artists?
I try not to compare, all artist come from a different back ground, all I know I’m my own worse critic and every accomplished work teaches me something new and I never stop learning.
What do you think about others artists selling “Fan Art at cons?13521143_252821801762238_1237584144_n

Well I think they should be able too since even if they work for 1 of the big companies they get no royalties, I don’t do it but I think I would be for it.

What would you do if you created a character and saw other reproducing it for money and taking credit for its creation?
I would get a lawyer who wouldn’t.
How do you pick what project to work on next?
Well there’s got to be something which speaks to me in terms of cool opportunity to create interesting illustrations and visuals.
What are your personal goals and the things you want to accomplish?
I want to create material that I do not hate and that people like and want more of, I guess that would be ideal.
13510474_252820138429071_369476488_nWhat ip would you want to work on?
There’s a lot to choose from but Batman is always pretty bad ass.
What comic do you think you could draw better than it is being done currently?
I don’t think like that besides I’m not up to date with all the artist working on all the various titles so it’s a hard questions, I would suspect they would have to be halfway decent artist to get the gig in the first place not to mention lucky. One of my biggest gripes is that the big 2 Marvel and DC do not even accept artist submission through the mail any more and that’s ”bull” because that’s the method in which made those companies.

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