Jenni Gregory is suffering from the Bad Dream known as The 7 Deadly Questions

bio picName: Jenni Gregory
Pen Name: Jenni Gregory
Contact Info: 
Location: Orlando, FL
Credits: Go here:     It’s missing a lot of stuff, but it takes up less space ;O)                                                                            Creative Title: Depends on the day.  Mostly writer, illustrator, putter outter of fires.
Favorite Comic: John Aman, Hellboy, The Goon, Locked Maze, Preacher, Sandman, oh heavens…I can’t pick one favorite!
If you could have 1 power: It would have to deal with…Time.  Control it, steal it, give it, stretch it, and make the good moments last just a little bit longer.

Any Additional Personal Info:  I steal pens.  Seriously.  Bad character flaw

Jenni Gregory Welcome the bad Dream known as

The7Deadly Questions


 If you had to choose either your titles or your husbands titles, to be picked up by one of the big publishers, who’s work would you pick and why?

Barry!  Definitely :O)
Barry’s John Aman series, which he does with the crazily talented Steven Butler, is superhero storytelling at it’s classic and best. Barry is a guy for whom the love of comics has been such a huge part in his life.  Since he was old enough to stop in comic shops as he walked home from elementary school, those books and the stories became part of who he is.
227_85645b-200x300-2“It’s really fascinating watching him work–he really can do it all!  From writing, to coloring, to lettering (he’s actually a talented penciler too) putting it all together and then actually being able to print that complete comic out himself and bring it hot and fresh to your hands–seriously, He. Does.  It.  All. There’s nothing that would make me happier then to see him get even wider  recognition for all the amazing things he does. “
227_34064BWho is the self-publishing comic book printing service in the world? 
That’s definitely!! But don’t forget!   This sister site to is THE best resource for creators to sell their comics in both print AND download.       I forgot to mention for people wanting to read independent comics IndyPlanet has the widest variety of independent comics to buy in print     and download anywhere!

227_34061B-200x300 As a mother and woman how do you feel women are being represented in comics these days??  

Depends on the day–really. Are women sexualized in comics?  Sure.Truth be told I’m kinda guilty of doing that myself–I worked on comics that probably weren’t the most flattering to women–But I’ve changed!
But I love drawing the female form.  Some of my most satisfying work has been done on what can affectionately be call “cheesecake” art.  There is good stuff out there that represent women in a great, strong light.  Capable, tough, smart, sexy, funny…ya know…human. 

                        Our youngest (9 yr old) daughter is a HUGE fan of comics.  She’s loved Zatana since she was a wee one.   She has a lot of female lead comics she follows.  I think it’s because they can fight in heels. 

Do you feel like as a woman you are not take seriously as a comic book creator and if so why do you think that is?                                That can be a sore subject sometimes–and again it’s one of those topics that my reaction depends on the day.  There are days where it doesn’t seem to matter that you are a female in comics–that everything is going your way.

                 Then there’s those other days.  Usually this happens at conventions… 
            You’ve set up your table at a convention.  You have people looking at your book, you chat a bit and you see them processing the situation and usually 1 of 3 things are about to happen:
1.They think because you are at the table you must be selling comics done by a guy because seriously? a grown women who is actually doing comics?
2. You say your comic is all ages–well that means it’s for kids right?  I mean all-ages, what’s in it for adults?
or my favorite…  
         3. Oh!  You’re a chick and you do these books?  I’ll get this for my girlfriend/wife.  It’s looks like something for chicks.
People have categorized, compartmentalized  and sorted you and inside you want to yell ” My books are for everyone!  Guys can read comics created  by females, too!  It’s ok!”
Those are the things that frustrate me more then anything. But then I’m also just happy when a person buys my books even if it is just for their girlfriend, or daughter or Mom.
You get awarded Grand Comic Book Creator for a Day.  You get to Choose a comic book character to get their own solo movie and one Superhero to kill and make it so no future stories can be told about them.  Who do you pick and why?
Oh wow!  That’s a hard one!  I wouldn’t want to “end it” for any Super Hero– andpfft! like they ever stay  dead…                                                  But my great brawl would involve Kilowog, Sandman, Dr Stange, Loki, and The Joker, and Solomon Grundy.  Just because it would be so darn cool to draw them all!
227_28140b-200x300 What character would you love to borrow for a story line with your own creations?

I’ve always had a thing for Green Arrow and Black Canary.  Doing something with those two would be fun!



227_28139b-200x300Who is the most over rated Comic book character and why?

Batman.  I love me some Batman, don’t get me wrong, but I’m also a tad tired of the tortured, tragic past that has to get rehashed in every incarnation. We’ve established his past made him who he is.  Move on! 


WOW!  Jennie Gregory You have more than Impressed The 7 Deadly Questions, they want to know if you have nothing to add?

Fun!  Ok!  Here’s your invitation to visit!  Go there and buy my books.  You can even download most of them for free:

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