Lewis Michael The 7 Deadly Questions Doesn’t care whats PC, just like you

Nom De Plume: Lewis Michael
Contact Info: 
Location:  Mainly London UK
Credits: El Chupa-Cabras; Tough Guys; currently Chromosome 96
 Creative Title: Creator, writer, penciller, inker, and that’s enough
Favorite Comic: Too many favourites. There isn’t enough space here to name them all.
If you could have a 1 power: Like another creator said, Immortality would be the one. What else do you need, right?


Lewis Michael Are you Ready to get Un-Politically Correct With

The7Deadly   QuestionS


13001160_10209808210108784_3226015448994479476_nDo you use sensitive topics in your stories to cause a stir and get attention?
Absolutely. But in a good way. 
As creators I believe we should always be alert to mediatic subjects. To big questions.
I believe in art for art’s sake alone, meaning, for its aesthetic value only. But I also believe that when creating a narrative we should always try and open a discussion. As I’m sure most creators do anyway. It helps us grow both as artists and as readers.
As such trying to stir an audience is always good, and off course you have to get their attention first. Even if sometimes in a sensational way.


13435384_10210313063289798_3532828836860856602_nAre you creating New worlds for materiel gain or fame?
Well, if both would come knocking at my door I wouldn’t say no. Mainly I just want to put work out there, and give pleasure to however ends up buying it. I’m interested in producing something which will stand the test of time and that you can read over and over again and feel always fresh.


What is a topic that piss you off and you wont deal with it in your stories  because it makes you so mad, and why?
A lot of topics piss me off, but there isn’t anything I wouldn’t deal with. Maybe politics and economics (which in some ways I actually find fascinating) are not the right kind of subjects to work with in comics.
I think they’re more suitable for cinema for example. That said I also believe you can make anything interesting, even a story about two old men talking at a table, as long as you find the right angle to go at it.


You are out to tell a good story and not worrying about if  it might offended.  Qudos, but do you worry about what true friends and family might thing of your work and the cost on home life it may have??
Nope. The more I tease my friends the better actually. Not many are willing to put up with my antics so they already know what they’re getting. In my case I actually tend to separate and isolate myself as a creator from my personal acquaintances. That is because I never really had enough family support for a career in this medium. With the general readership though, and that goes beyond the scope of your question, I do edit and self censor my work to a certain extent. But not necessarily because I’m worried who and how I might offend, but sometimes we need to scale down, or maybe doing a specific edgier moment might be distractive from the main narrative. You can be polemic and slightly anarchic, but I still believe that everything as a time and a place.


13001160_10209808210108784_3226015448994479476_nWhat are you reading these days?
 Err… not much actually. Which is bad, but no time. I do re-read older and classic comics as I go along. I know I might be missing some good stuff, but believe me. I read a lot, a LOT in my old days. Enough to probably fill two lifetimes.


What is your ultimate goal as a creator??
I am trying to come out with a life revealing answer to that, but I think my answer to the second question kind of touches on this.


What Character do you have a real need to work on in your lifetime ?  
The only characters I deal with are my own. All I can say is that the book I will be working on next the main character is a cross between Christ, El Cid and He-Man. And wait until you see the rest of the characters.


Well done Lewis Michael you have a single paragraph to tell us why we should become fans  and what you are working on now :
“Just wanted to use this final space to shamelessly self promote my upcoming comic mini-series, CHROMOSOME 96. It’s an epic, in every sense of the word, 5 issues battle, with a hint of 50’s sci-fi and pulpy gory horror, and some tongue-in-cheek humour as seasoning. It’s not an outright satire, as a matter of fact there’s a serious, worth discussing, premise behind all the fun. You will pushed to reconsider the motivation of the characters as you read it. Hopefully in the first quarter of next year a Kickstarter for issue 1 should be announced!”

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