Patricio Clarey you have been trapped by The 7 Deadly Questions

13427739_1592576247706415_398225321072983568_nName:Patricio Clarey

Nom De Plume: Patricio Clarey

Location: Barcelona Spain

Credits: Archeologists of Shadows, 15M voces de una Revolución, LA Sombra de Don Quijote.

patricio-clarey-urban-king-webCreative Title: CG Artists /co-author

Favorite Comic: The Arrival. by Shaun Tan

If you could have a 1 power: To draw faster

Patricio Clarey they have traveled  far in the shadows to find you, prepare for The7Deadly Questions


patricio-clarey-63-gas-man-webDo you think computers have hurt  art and made it cheap by being able to mass produce drawing?

I don´t think that computers have damaged the art, I think they are a very high-level tools that manage to minimize some processes that were very complex and almost impossible before today. But I think what has hurt the art is that unique and permanent capitalist order, claiming only profit and benefits of art. Today, our reality patricio-clarey-26-lighthouse-webis so much deformed, that it is normal to sell a shark or a banana in a transparent silicone box that It costs millions. That has not been a decision of the machines, it is what the common denominator of people consider the evolution of art. When in fact it is a clear decision of monetary equation, only interested in profits and not at all in art. This has become a business without magic, wizards no longer surprise anyone. No one is looking for a cultural revolution, a great example of this has been Star Wars: the Force Awaking a clear intention of preserving the same thing over and over again, preferring copy before risking and innovate. 

ArchangelWhat are your favorite creative tool?

Photoshop. I worked many years in digital and now I’m picking up the paper, ink, markers, etc. But all will eventually melts into Photoshop.

If you saw someone stole your art and posted it on Facebook as if they created it what would you do?

Mechanic_1 Publicly denounce all means you can, so that people know the face and misery of this new moron who was born in society.

Do you think sexuality is over exposed to make money on art or is it a representations of the times we live in?

I think both are correct. Nowadays, we have portrayed very well our desires and tastes, no one has complained too much. It must be admitted at once, that we patricio-clarey-22are a mediocre public much more deplorable and banal demands. In fact, today we are looking for sexual over exposure, the total concentration in surface event, glamor in violence and all that nonsense list we see today in culture. Now there is an excessive addiction to the nostalgic products, this whole wave of remakes, just announce the death of our present and emptiness of our imagination.

patricio-clarey-34Do you think art exposes  a timeline of how we acted and behaved in different time periods?

Yes. I think that 500 years ago the church and wealthy families were producing lots of art, of course religious nature. Today, entertainment is what produces more art, and frame are video games, movies, tv series, comics, etc. However, at least for me, the current period reveals a worrying trend, there is a strong growth of interest patricio-clarey-48-artificial-smile-webtowards banality, where the really creative processes have been replaced by the doctrine of surface details. Today it is more important to talk about the irrelevance of red underpants Superman, whether the cap is very long or very short, if a character is green or orange, male or female, androgynous or is an alien creature with multiple sexual orientation. No longer relevant with the character itself, or what that character have to say in the context of a story.

patricio-clarey-75-imbalance-webWhat do you hope someone thinks when they see your art?

I’m a long way off and I have many kilometers left, but I really aspire to unsettle them, distort them in a subtle way, bothering them with cordiality. I never pretend to embrace them and make them feel comfortable. Art is not a candy store, but today aspire to be one, it is a producing laboratory experiments.

patricio-clarey-chaos-without-theory-1webWhat is your favorite piece of art that you created and why?

Our first graphic novel “Archeologists of Shadows” which today has become a single volume of 200 pages, even unpublished is an important piece of art in my path. The graphic style is a fusion of different techniques; drawings, sculptures, models, photographs, digital manipulation and a lot of love. I have not been able to demonstrate patricio-clarey-character-1the true patricio-clarey-contemplation-webpotential of this style, but you can clearly see that is different and intends to go further, but was unable to reach so far, it is something fresh that we had not seen before.


patricio-clarey-help-webPatricio Clarey  you have forced The 7 Deadly Questions back into the shadows.  As they left they told me to allow you free reign based solely on your art.  So enjoy our favorite sin; Shameless Self Promotion!

Our first graphic novel, Archeologists of Shadows Trilogy, put all together in one PDF of 200 pages  (available in Amazon) Facebook page:

patricio-clarey-red-gardenAs for my latest project, I’m doing a new series of illustrations with a different style than my previous works. I have thought about creating a book with all these pictures, so this will be my first art book. I hope to finish it at the end of this year, after that I have a new graphic novel to do. You can find me on facebook

patricio-clarey-revelation-webor in my website



We had so much left over art we loved we are just adding to this below enjoy:patricio-clarey-heroes-2patricio-clarey-starcraft-kerrigan


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