A Creator/Artist Needs Business Cards!!! .

So let talk business Cards. Here is the basic truth: You need one. The personalizing is up to you but there is no excuse as a creator/ not to have one. Get it done this weekend if you haven’t already.

Now I suggest a QR code but you can put just a way to contact you. But also have something online that showcases your creativity. If your a writer than write some short stories or do preview pieces on a free blog or face book page/group. Artists to you have to be ready to showcase who you are every time you hand out that card.

Do not give out your phone number to the general public

Do not give out your address to the general public

Before you link something to your Business card make sure no overly sensitive info is on the site.

With that said the hands Down Winner of Business cards goes to me Rob Rob Andersin ….. Wait …. Wow Lost again. Turns out Justin Perterson hits a Grand Slam with a very unique Baseball inspired business card. And it looks amazing. Just look at it. Ok Creators the balls in your court go out and make a card that represents you perfectly. And Staples will print your cards for 10 bucks so there is no excuse here. Goggle Print business Cards for cheaper options that will deliver.



We will add business cards as we get them From The Written Sins Group over on Facebook

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