Hello everyone! If you have artistic kids, please read this!! For those of you that don’t know, I do a webcomic called Cynical Stew. I’m planning a spin-off comic called Cynical Z that will focus on the daughter from the main strip. What I want to do with this webcomic though, is have it completely drawn by kids. I plan on writing the scripts and I’ll send them out to any parents that are interested. Your kid can draw the comic according to the script, and then I will pay them for their artwork. Yes, paid work!! This can be a great teaching moment for kids! Their work will then be put up on the Empire Comics Lab website and posted to my Cynical Stew facebook page and twitter account. Once we have enough strips, I will be putting them all together into a book. So your kid’s artwork will get to be in a book! I’ll make sure their names and ages are listed along with their artwork, I’ll even include a small bio if they’d like. My goal here is to get more kids drawing. Art is a great outlet for kids, and having an opportunity like this is something they won’t forget. If you’re interested, you can message me on facebook or email me at josh.gillam@gmail.com.
For ages, i dont have a minimum, as long as they want to draw, even if it’s stick figures. 16 would probably be my cutoff, but if they’re older and want to draw, I’m willing to let them try out for a regular Cynical Stew strip.
Please share with or tag anyone with kids that might be interested!