An &erSiN Update

Due to on going health concerns and situations I will be very limited with my appearances moving forward.

There is speculation over what is going on with me. I thank those who have reached out and asked me directly and appreciate them for their respectful manner.

To be transparent my back is worse than ever.

There are concerns about my heart.

But I am not quiting anything.

I am still creating and writing.

I still Love Comics.

If anyone puts my name in their mouth feel free to come to for the truth.

It is time we stopped malcious gossip about fellow creators.

If you have an issue approach it directly Handel it and keep it private.

There are creators who need to be called out for sure. But most issues are honestly between a few people and mistakes are made on all sides.

If we limit the nonsense and the rumors find a way to support creation 2 things will happen:

1 When a person is doing harm it will be talen more seriously.

2 The “shit talkers” will be seen and we will identify that they are toxic.

While I am seeing one avenue ending I am far from done creating.

I am just getting started.

If you have any question, asks or topics you want me to cover in a video/tiktok ask below in the comments.

Thank you for the concerns and supportive comments.

Check out to see what I am working on now!!! More to come…

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