UPDATE: Micheal Mettlen Won this Award in MARCH, APril, and MAY and also Won the SPinner Rack 4 months in a row. We know we aren’t done hearing from him and look forward to what’s next for The KANE CREATOR. BUT for now TAKE A BOW MICHEAL YOU EARNED IT!!!
If the name rings a bell well it should, Micheal Has OWNED the Spinner Rack for the entire year so far and there seems to be no stoping him. He Proves that if you have a Fansbase behind you nothing is out of reach, and you will see Micheal is in for it all, as he has begun an appeal line to match his highly praised book KANE that is on Amazon and Kindle as well avail at his publisher ADVENT. SO enough talk here is Micheal work and some things said about him and his work or art KANE!
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