Written by Rob Andersin
So as many of you know I am Disabled and have mobility issues. I try really hard to hide it and do PT daily to keep as mobile as possible. For the Raleigh Comic Con, I was late and couldn’t use the Dock. SO I had to walk in the supplies using a Hand truck. I deiced to rush it and taking to many things at once. A cooler on wheels and a hand truck full of boxes. Quickly I began to have trouble as my Back acted up. Overcame a great guy Eric Liebig who saved me. Turns out he makes soap and was at the con selling them. They are really cool and be found here http://www.cedarsoaps.com. Despite carrying his own stuff gave me a hand when I really need it. He was a prime example that the world is still full of great people. I wound up getting the Fight CLub soap above not only was it cool but how couldn’t I support such a great guy.