BACKER PAUSE for WEEK 14 of 2022 proves it might not be Safe in the WATER but it is entertaining on KICKSTARTER

What is BACKER PAUSE PAUSE??? It is when we get JUDGES ( who are fellow creators & COMiX fans) sit down to examine CROWDFUNDING Projects; Title, Main Image and Watch the Crowdfunding Project’s Video, and tell us if they experience something known as Backer Pause:

BACKER PAUSE is when a potential Backer suddenly loses interest in a CROWDFUNDING Project because of either/and/or its Title, Image or Video and Experience a sudden lack of interest know as BACKER PAUSE.Mister AnderSiN

This is a fun way to teach Creators about Attention spans of potential Backers while showcasing whats Works and Does Not work with their Campaigns.

Wanna be a JUDGE? Have a Crowdfunding Campaign you want to have on the show

Send us an email ComixNewsWire@yahoo.COM:: 


On Going issue affecting Crowdfunding:

ends 4/8

ends 4/8

ends April 9th

ends 4/17

ends 4/20

ends 4/22

ends 4/26

ends 4/27

ends 4/27

ends 5/1


ends 5/4

ends 5/5

ends 5/6

ends 5/23


Now on Twitter

Now On TikToK

Also Look Mister AndersiN’s Tok 3 every Week

What Where are Mister AnderSiN top three crowdfunded this week?? Rob’s Top 3 are Based on His FANDOM and What DREW him in


How to FULFILL like a PRO!!!
Backer Pause Explained


1st Understand the terms and What we do, then send us an email with I agree and the info.

What is BACKER PAUSE PAUSE??? It is when we get JUDGES ( who are fellow creators &/or COMiX fans) to sit down & examine CROWDFUNDING Projects; Title, Main Image and Watch the Crowdfunding Projects Video ( that are Advocated 4 on and tell us if they experience something known as Backer Pause::

“BACKER PAUSE is when a potential Backer suddenly loses interest in a CROWDFUNDING Project because of either/and/or its Title, Image or Video and Experience a sudden lack of interest know as BACKER PAUSE.”-Mister AnderSiN

This is a fun way to teach Creators about Attention spans of potential Backers while showcasing whats Works and Does Not work with their Campaigns.

Our terms for covering crowdfunding – Disclaimer:: By Posting in a our Group COMiX NEW WIRE or by asking us to Advocate for your crowdfunding project you give us permission to share it as part of threads, on social media and have it on our Show known as Backer Pause ( info for that found here, and for it to be Judged as laid out above.

We want to ADVOCATE for as many Crowdfunding projects as we can, but we do it how we deem best via The ADVOCATiNG Network. If your campaign has no video, we will examine its tag-line/title and description. 

We respect all Creator’s rights and IP LAW @ Comic Book ADVOCATES; as such, any copyright music or in a Video will be instant BACKER PAUSE on the show and we will not directly share or post the video in our advocating for said project. We will add it to the list as if it does not have a video. DO NOT USE Copyright content without permission. 

-Only The CREATORS BEHIND THE PROJECT can give us permission to ADVOCATE;

Please respond with I agree to Terms or we won’t cover this on the network, or to save time Just post it to our official group here:


TO ALL BACKERS- Remember THE POWER OF A DOLLAR and the SUPPORT it shows. If you like the IDEA and can spare the dollar make Dreams come true. Tight on Cash? No biggie Share the creator’s link and expand their reach. DO BOTH and BECOME their HERO!!! 


Your Host and voice of BACKER PAUSE Mister AnderSiN, A Proud COMiX ADVOCATE:

Want Your Event, Kickstarter, IndieGoGo or NEWS shared on our site? Send us an email with all the info needed to ADVOCATE for your NEWS to-

This show is Made possible in part Thanks to a Partnership with .

#MrAndersin, #ADVOCATE, #ComicNEWSwire,, #ComicBooks, #ART, #CREATORS, #COMiX,#COMiXAdvocate, #ComicADVOCATE, #ComicBookNetwork, #TheADVOCATENETWORK, #CNW,, #ADVOCATINGNETWORK, #GeekLife, #Comics, #ComicConHighway, #ComicConForecast, #Kickstarter, #CrowdFunding, #IndieGoGo #BackerPause

Copyright © All rights reserved to Creators.

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