THROWBACK THREAD:: Brian Germain The 7 Deadly Questions want to test your metal .

 17283_10152975599774425_676470310954924311_nName: Brian Germain
Location: Flint, MI
Credits:MoonShadow, The Sorrow, The Gryphon, etc.
Creative Title:Artist
Favorite Comic:Spider-man 
If you could have a 1 power: invulnerability


12734278_10153684516844425_2924745789032221728_nSo Brian Germain are you made from steel or aluminum foil?  Well 
The7Deadly Questions
will find out


Do you believe comics are a good platform to talk about today’s social issues?

Absolutely comics are a great place to get young readers familiar with real world related topics. 12743869_10153692423574425_7521202962244142647_nX-men has dealt with Racism, Civil War has dealt with rights to privacy, Iron Man has dealt with alcoholism, Green Arrow with drug abuse the list goes on and on. somne of the up and coming indy comics are right on par with current events.


DO you think it is unfair that  women artists can draw what ever they want, but a man has to watch how he treats his female characters or fear being labeled something nasty??
I do think its unfair but I think a man as an artist 13221752_10153901760874425_9013331651207176616_nshould draw whatever he wants as well, art should be controversial.


What is the worst thing someone said about something you created that sent you into a rage and how did you handle it ?
I’ve had lots of people give me rough critiques I try to take them with a grain of salt but every once in awhile someone gives you a criticism which is different than a critique. Criticism really ticks me off sometimes I have been bad and retaliated by accusing them of being moronic but 12802824_10153709841399425_3435742906968756082_nmore often than not I try to step back and just let the haters hate.  If you got haters it’s usually because your doing something right. I have blocked people on Facebook for it before though.


What character do you think is over valued by the masses?
I think Wolverine is a good example of this he pops up in every comic the only person who should be able to be in as many places as Logan seems to appear is Madrox the multiple man.


13267776_10153931845699425_6658421108281028014_nWhere is your creative finish line? The point where you hit your goals and say I made it!!!
 I don’t believe I have a finish line. If I did I have already made it to one of them and have several more in my future. just being able to make enough money to support my family on comics and art alone would be a good finish line. Other than that I’d say publishing 30 comics was a pretty good finish line for me Next I need to publish thirty more lol.


What is character or series you want to be part of in your lifetime?
11136708_10153147101119425_8926571391231074997_nI’d love to have anything to do with Spider-Man or Batman or Hulk or many of the main Marvel characters but Spidey tops the list for me.


What do you look for in a Partner in Creation???
Honesty, Integrity, someone who isn’t afraid to be creative someone who enjoys the making art process as much or more than the selling process.


Brian Germain you have showed us your hard as steel and more than over powered the weak 13346797_10153944620269425_1075708248808964819_naluminum 7 Deadly Questions. While they hammer out the dents enjoy our  absolutely favorite Sin of Shameless Self-Promotion for one paragraph :
Thanks for the interview Guys if you are looking for our comics head on over to and search Dark Elf Designs and Core Studios for some great titles by us. if you’re on Facebook stop by my art page or the Dark Elf Designs page and drop me a 11709704_10153238341824425_5021784142939804501_nline and feel free to friend me if there’s room I may just add you!lolfcpobmnenomkn

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