Comic Book Crowdfunding- BACKER PAUSE is LIVE 8:30 pm et Wednesday Nights – –

What is BACKER PAUSE PAUSE??? It is when we get JUDGES who are creators to sit in & Watch Crowdfunding Videos that are Advocated 4 on and hit PAUSE when they lose interest in the Video & Experience: BACKER PAUSE.

This is a fun way to teach Creators about Attention spans and whats Works and Does Not work on their Videos.

Wanna be a JUDGE?

Have a Crowdfunding Campaign you want to have on the show?

Send us an email ComixNewsWire@yahoo.COM:: 


Everyone Watching Tonight Gets a FREE PDF:

Coming Soon


1st Understand the terms and What we do, then send us an email with I agree and the info.

1st review our terms below and make sure you are ok with them. (You must be the Creator of the project or somehow involved directly with the project and not a person hired by them to agree to these terms nor a fan/supporter of the project.) If you are in a new comment write agree then give us the elevator pitch and the link to your campaign and we will Handle the rest. 

Send us an email ComixNewsWire@yahoo.COM:: 

Our terms for covering crowdfunding – Disclaimer:: By Posting in a Thread or asking us to Advocate for your crowdfunding you give us permission to share it as part of threads and have it on our Show Backer Pause ( info for that found here and to post it in threads we deem an excellent way to gain your crowdfunding extra exposure and reach. You are free to opt-out, but this is an all-in or not all thing. We want to ADVOCATE for as many projects as we can, but we do it how we deem best via The ADVOCATiNG Network. If your campaign has no video, we will feature it as a picture and read its page line and name. We respect Creator’s right as such any copyright music in a Video will not be featured on our site or shown on our show. We will add it to the list as if it does not have a video. Please responded with I agree to Terms or we won’t cover this on the network.  Backer pause is FILMED LIVE on WEDNESDAY NIGHTS at 8:30 PM ET except if otherwise posted.

1st review our terms below  and make sure you are ok with them. (You must be the Creator of the project or somehow involved directly with project and not a person hired by them to agree to these terms nor a fan/supporter of the project.) If you are in a new comment write agree give us the elevator pitch and the link to your campaign and we will Handel the rest. 

Our terms for covering crowdfunding – Disclaimer:: By Posting in a Thread or asking us to Advocate for your crowdfunding you give us permission to share it as part of threads and have it on our Show Backer Pause ( info for that found here and to post it in threads we deem an excellent way to gain your crowdfunding extra exposure and reach. You are free to opt-out, but this is an all in or not all thing. We want to ADVOCATE for as many projects as we can, but we do it how we deem best via The ADVOCATiNG Network. If your campaign has no video, we will feature it as a picture and read its page line and name. We respect Creators right as such any copyright music in a Video will not be featured on our site or shown on our show. We will add it to the list as if it does not have a video. Please responded with I agree to Terms or we wont cover this on the network.  Backer pause is FILMED LIVE on WEDNESDAY NIGHTS at 8:00 PM ET expect if otherwise posted. is wired DIRECTLY into the COMiX FANDOM!!! Subscribe Today!


Mister AnderSiN Proud COMiX ADVOCATE


An Informative Video about what your KICKSTARTER VIDEO Should and shouldn’t be Done

Want Your Event, Kickstarter, IndieGoGo or NEWS shared on our site? Send us an email with all the info needed to ADVOCATE for your NEWS to-

this Thread

#MrAndersin, #ADVOCATE, #ComicNEWSwire,, #ComicBooks, #ART, #CREATORS, #COMiX,#COMiXAdvocate, #ComicADVOCATE, #ComicBookNetwork, #TheADVOCATENETWORK, #CNW,, #ADVOCATINGNETWORK, #GeekLife, #Comics, #ComicConHighway, #ComicConForecast, #Kickstarter, #CrowdFunding, #IndieGoGo #BackerPause

Copyright © All rights reserved to Creators.

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