Q: What is your Goal and Why that Goal Amount?
A: The goal is $3000. This would pay for the printing of the book, postage, paying the artists for the sketch rewards and Kickstarter fees. Any funds that remain would go towards paying indie creators in producing more issues.
Q: Why is this Project Important to You?
A: Argo 5 is my passion project as I always wanted to do a team book that was askew from what was already offered in the market. Something a bit more personal and relatable but still in the superhero realm. Argo 5 is the culmination of that.
Q: Why Are You Using Kickstarter?
A: We have been publishing since 2005 but we do not have mainstream distribution and realize that there are still many unfamiliar with Argo Comics. We wanted to give people a chance to discover our books and get them in handy trade collections.
Q: What Makes Your Kickstarter Stand Out?
A: On top of the unique story we offer top level art as well as pin-ups from industry greats. I don’t expect others to invest in a project that I am not willing to invest in myself.
Q: Will this be an ongoing series?
A: Argo 5 is indeed an ongoing series as I am currently lettering issue 25.
Q: How important are your Stretch Goals?
A: Our main goal is to have people enjoy the book. Extras and merchandise are fun and we would love to get some nifty items or additional books to the backers but we are sure they will enjoy the book even if that does not happen. As lovers of comic art, we did include Art Rewards from artists who actually worked on the issues included in this collection.
Q: If you saw this project, pretending it wasn’t yours, what would you think of it and how would you react to it and why?
A: I really love indie super-teams. I started out in an APA (Amateur Press Association… they used to be a thing, lol) named STAPA which specialized in Super Teams (and thus the “ST”). I would therefore go crazy for my Kickstarter but since the characters and story are designed to my liking, I would have an unfair advantage, lol.
*Bonus: Give ‘em the pitch!
Argo 5 is a book about nothing (to borrow a tag line from Seinfeld). We don’t try to pigeonhole it to a particular theme or genre and we try to be unique to the point where we don’t have a “it’s this property meets that property” tag line. There’s plenty of superhero action with added insights into the social lives of the characters. Real life is diverse and does not always follow a theme so we try to reflect that in Argo 5.
Dan Sehn presents::