Deon Brown lets see how you deal with these 7 Deadly Questions

3de557_cb1e007f8a7d4836bc7b4164d7f70252Name: Deon Brown
Pen Name: Deon Brown
Contact Info:,
Location: Lawrenceville Ga
Credits: The Infallible Captain United, Battle for Ozellberg, Monster for Hire.
Creative Title: Writer
Favorite Comic: Anything Ninja Turtle related
If you could have a 1 power: Telekinesis, it would have a wide range us uses and abilities all in one.


The7Deadly Questions

What is the single most important thing for you accomplish in your life?
To raise my daughter to be a better than me. A close second would be to have a fulfilling career in comics and entertainment.
What character do you think is over used or misused and has been made a joke due to it?  
 I have to say all of the main comic characters at this point. And I guess I understand that after so long in the game, you have to spice things up. But I think everyone takes a main characters death as a joke. Come on guys, we know they will be back.
1546155_248546558639985_106666919_nWhat sends you into a rage that another creator artist does while working with you?
 Outright quitting a project and making off with my money. I cant tell you how many times I’ve had to restart a project because of it.
What bad habit do you find in comics that you want to see changed?

I honestly don’t know. Maybe I haven’t been in the industry long enough to to come across any.

What is the something as a creator you want to expose to the world that you feel 1913233_259870380840936_390053422_odoes not  get the attention it should?
 Nothing really, I enjoy keeping the curtain closed. If someone wants to learn about the industry, that is cool. But I really don’t want to shed light on how difficult this is to the fans because that kind of takes away the magic.
What is a success driven goal.  IE if I get x money I am gonna get…
I think all artist have their “epic” project that they feel is completely out 12002141_480766915417947_6875421461879220217_nof their reach financial grasp. I want to make that epic project.
What makes you make you a great creator worth following?
I try to bring a little something different to multiple genres with believable and honest characters. But just pick up a book and give it a shot, I think you will dig it.
10298920_281984021962905_1404528180799688652_n993473_239718549522786_417383794_nDeon Brown using your writers wit you have out foxed  The 7 Deadly Questions so now tell us how we buy into the DEON BROWN experience.  Make us all Fans!
Right now all three issues of Battle for Ozellberg are available on The trade paperback will be available soon at a comic book shop near you. Also look out for Monster for Hire coming in September. Follow my progress at

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