Marcus begins his first day at the mysterious base. With reptilians, fear deities, chimera, monsters, and a variety of races of aliens.
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Strange things are said to occur two miles below the surface of the Archuleta Mesa in Dulce, New Mexico at the mysterious Dulce Base. Is it everything they say, or is it worse?
Marcus begins his first day at the mysterious base. With reptilians, fear deities, chimera, monsters, and a variety of races of aliens as friends; who needs enemies? Well, of course, there’s one of those too!

Why did you feel you need Kickstarters help to launch your project and will your goal, if reached, cover all the creative costs?
Eric Cockrell:: Kickstarter offers access to audience outside of your circle of friends, and creates a sense of urgency around sales. A lot of money went into putting together this art and getting printing done, and it is all covered if we are successful. Allowing us to move onto more stories in this rich universe.
How did the creative team behind this Kickstarter Come together?
Eric Cockrell:: I went to Gene Hoyle about developing this idea with me. He jumped on board right away. Then we approached Greg Woronchak about doing the linework for the book. I had worked with him a few months before as he did some linework on Blister: Hot for Teacher. Then we asked Mike Waggoner to letter, and Chuck Pineau to edit and they were all in. Avery was an amazing addition to the team. Originally I was going to take on coloring the book, but didn’t think I could do that AND run a Kickstarter at the same time, while also developing the next book. So I test Avery on some pages and it ended up amazing!
What do you believe separates your Kickstarter from the thousands of other Kickstarters out there?
Eric Cockrell:: You won’t have to wait for it for a year, or six months. This thing is sitting with a printer right now. It’s all complete and ready to go. It’s also one of the most professional quality indie comics I’ve ever seen. I believe that so strongly that I don’t mind saying that at all. It’s top notch.
Is the Kickstarter the Start of something Bigger or is this a must have One Shot?
Eric Cockrell:: It’s the start of so damn much. I think right now we have rough plans for three 6- issue seasons. And some plans that are even further out from those. I hesitate to say “arcs” because we are making them self-contained with some light carry over.
Are Stretch Goals something important to your project or just your way to give back to the Backers?
Eric Cockrell:: We’re so close that we’re just happy to fund with our regular rewards at this point. But if we get to roll out some stretch goals, they are fun. If we don’t you’ll see them sooner than later anyways.
If you saw this project, pretending it wasn’t your what would do you think of it and how you would react to it and Why?
Eric Cockrell:: I’d buy the hell out of it. Aliens, monsters, hybrids, sci-fi, conspiracy, self-contained story, giant rabbit monster, fear deity, it’s all right up my alley. –
What is the inspiration behind this project?
Eric Cockrell:: It’s been fun assembling a super team of indie creators. There is not a weak link on this team, and that is inspiring to me. As I said, the concept is right up my alley. Not all conspiracy theories are about inside jobs and pizza parlor brothels. There are a lot of really fun ones, and quite frankly some that are just straight up grounded in fact. It’s fun to intermingle the two and shine some light on things people may not be very familiar with.
Ok those are 7 Great REASONS so Give em that Elevator Pitch, Creator:
Eric Cockrell :: Strange things are said to occur two miles below the surface of the Archuleta Mesa in Dulce, New Mexico at the mysterious Dulce Base. Is it everything they say, or is it worse?
Marcus begins his first day at the mysterious base. With reptilians, fear deities, chimera, monsters, and a variety of races of aliens as friends; who needs enemies? Well, of course there’s one of those too!


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