Fabian Nicieza Deadpool Co-Creator is use to dealing with deranged characters such as The 7 Deadly Questions :: A Throw BacK Thread

Fabian_Bio-picName: Fabian Nicieza
Contact Info:   Starlightrunner.com
Location: Wherever he lays his hat is his home.
Credits: Too many to list. (Click Here 4 Wiki)
Creative Title: Writer, editor and Creator


                         Fabian Nicieza                              The 7 DeadlY Questions know all about forth wall breaks, but even a ceiling break wont save you!!!

Fabian-PreviewFABIAN-NICIEZAWhat is your greatest piece of work in your life so far and why?
“That’s honestly not for me to answer. And every reader makes their own individual choice.”

What character do you want take a crack at, and why them?
635883677730852292-MRS-0925 MV5BMTQ4NTExNzI4M15BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMDAwMzQyMQ@@._V1_UY268_CR2,0,182,268_AL_“Company owned characters? Marvel would be Dr. Strange and Captain America. DC would be Nightwing and Hawkman. I’ve been able to write all of those characters, but not in a monthly title. I know I could bring a lot to the ongoing stories about them.”

fabianniciezabday2011_thumbWhat is something you hope to return to one day and possible finish what you started?

“Nothing really springs to mind. There are characters I wouldn’t mind writing again, like Tim Drake or the New Warriors, but not like I feel its a yearning void desperate to be filled…”


tumblr_n8o0b1AmVP1rg2hh5o1_1280Would you love to be asked to do a Stan Lee type Cameo in DEADPOOL 2?
“If they asked I’d be more than happy to participate, but I guarantee you I don’t lose sleep over it one way or the other.”

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As the Co-Creator of DEADPOOL do you enjoy his current direction in the comics and would you be doing something different with him?
“I don’t read the monthly books. I catch up on chunks of them whenever I’m asked to write any new Deadpool material, just to update myself on his status quo.”

If you could go back in time and convince your younger self and co-creator Rob Liefeld to save DEADPOOL for a solo project,  do you think DEADPOOL would have succeeded with out the Marvel back drop?
“That’s a good question. Would he have succeeded if Rob and I did him as an Image title in 1993? Absolutely yes, but would he be the character he is today and enjoy the popularity he does through licensing and social media? I honestly don’t know.”

What comic book character do you hate so much that given the power you would erase from existence and Why?
“I don’t like or hate any fictional constructs, I reserve my loves and hates for the real world.”
You have left The 7 Deadly Sins wishing you were their Creator & their Speechless!!!!! So while I Enjoy the peace and quiet: 
Fabian Nicieza’s bio from StarlightRunner.com

“Fabian Nicieza has written and created dozens of characters for Marvel, DC, and Dark Horse with combined sales in excess of 100 million copies. The list of titles Fabian has written form a diverse cross-section of the most successful franchises in modern pop culture, including X-Men, Avengers, Spider-Man, Iron Man, Captain America, Superman, Batman, Justice League, X-Force, and Deadpool (a character he co-created).”

“His writing and editing skills have graced properties ranging from Buffy the Vampire Slayer to Barbie, Hot Wheels to Power Rangers, William Shatner’s TEKWorld to Winnie the Pooh.”

“Fabian’s work has generated hundreds of millions in revenues “from comic sales, animation, action figures, videogames and feature films for Marvel, Toy Biz, Mattel, DC, Fox Entertainment, Sega, Capcom and Activision.”


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