For you Josh Bauer Its time to Face The 7 Deadly Questions!!!!!! and some more !!!!!!!

JB Dezigns at a convention

Josh Bauer
Nom De Plume:
JB Dezigns
Creative Position:
Artist / Painter
Contact Info:
Growing up:
Anything Spider-Man11705094_10103558586072014_773110041487470402_n
and now:
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
The 1 Superpower you want:
Orlando, FL

!!!!!!!!!!!! its Time to FACE:

The7Deadly   Questions!!!

What was your best peice of art created to day and why that one?
Dapper DI would have to say it would be my 24″ x 48″ canvas painting called “Long Knight” that I created in 2014. It featured Batman in the center of the canvas starring down 20 of his most iconic villains. I love this piece for a few reasons. One because at the time it was one of the biggest pieces of artwork I have ever done. It was kind of a test to see if I could create something amazing at that size. That is a lot of blank canvas to fill! Reason two is because of the way I was able to hide some characters in the background. There are fifteen character up front and center and five that are hidden throughout the background! The third and final reason I really love this piece is because of the style I did it in. This was the start of me going a little more messy with my artwork and was a kick off of the way my art looks today.

What Indie Title are you currently a huge fan of?
SPAWN Currently I haven’t been reading much of anything. I do have some friends that are currently working on a new comic called “Chef Dave Strange” and I am extremely excited to read that when it comes out! You guys should check it out.

What has been your favorite project to work on and why?
I don’t have one specific one, but I do have a group of pieces. I love working on my hand painted skateboard decks! They just feel and look so much different then a traditional canvas piece. I feel you can also go even more messy and wild with the skateboards. Like there are no rules or something with them. Because you will always find that one person that really digs what you were going for.

Why do you think Sex sells so well in art?
The SaintsI honestly don’t know. Maybe it’s something in the back of our minds? Maybe it’s some primitive thing about us? I know it works on me! I have a ton of pin up style or sexy type artwork because that is what catches my eye. I don’t really know why, but it does. I also don’t think that is a bad thing even though many people do. People do what they do best. Some people can make amazing pieces of work of city landscapes and other can draw sexy girls. Do what you do best!

Do you think art is a good place to attack social issues of our day?
TITANS...GO I think so. A single image can say so much more then a bunch of words. A single image can also say one thing to one person and a completely different thing to someone else. Now with social media one image can be seen around the world in less then a second. I also think people have very little attention span to read anything anymore. So if you can capture someones attention with just one image why wouldn’t you.

Is fan art ok to sell and why?
13327604_10104324423916834_9199548364192578351_nWell as a person that sells fan art I would have to say yes. I have had this come up a lot in the four years I have been doing this now. People always ask or picker about it. I think it is ok as long as you are creating your own version of the character. If you put your own style, spin, or whatever into it I believe that is fine. I think conventions and other events like it would be extremely boring with out creative people doing their own styles of our favorite characters. These convention artists come up with things that the big companies would never think of! You can also get amazing crossover pieces that are’t even “allowed” to happen. Now if you are going and just taking someone else work and changing the colors or some lines that is not acceptable of course! There are plenty of people that pull that crap and that should not be allowed for sure. When it comes to someone coming up with their own unique style of a character I think it is fine and who knows. Maybe they will be the next big artists for one of those major companies.

Long KnightWhat is a mistake you made in your early years that our readers can learn from and how not to do the same thing?  
Be careful who you trust and keep your guard up. Yes, there are some people that around to actually help or assist you, but that is not always the case. There are a lot of people out there that are not good people. They just want to use your or work work for their own personal gain or just enjoy stepping on people. Listen to your gut. Get all the facts about a person or and event. You don’t have to go around trusting no one, but just keep your guard up.



Well done Josh not only do you get to advance with your life but  you have a single paragraph to tell us why we should become fans  and what you are working on now :
“Why should you become a fan of me? That is a good question. I believe a create some pretty awesome pieces of artwork. I create artwork that is a blend of art gallery type work with your favorite hero or villain. I try to make a style that is unique and different and I am always testing my limits. You can always check in and see what new style I am striving for or what I am experimenting on next. As of this writing I am gearing up to try spray painting again. I have some great ideas for a few canvas paintings and I want to try spray paint on a skateboard deck as well. I am also steering more in to trying to create own artwork that has no ties to anything comic book or pop culture. I have no idea what it will be yet, but I am sure it will be fun to find out!”

PS: “Thank you for the great interview and questions guys! These made me really sit back and think a bit! Keep up the great work!”

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