Rejected Hammer Thesis #4
Featuring stories from a variety of artists and writers, Rejected Hammer Thesis acts as a graphic mixtape. The anthology reaches into any genre, and is perfect for a reader who is seeking a blast of of originality and exceptional creativity.
- Was it worth the Cover Price?
It is indeed worth the cover price of 3 dollars online which you can buy right HERE - Did it leave me wanting a next Issue/continued story?
As the description notes this is more of a graphic mix tape but I will tell you some of the stories are one offs while some can continue. But over all I would like to see another Graphic mix tape made by the same group of creators - Was I entertained and excited to turn the page?Again the format is for short stories but with that said yes I was excited to see what was coming next.
- Did the story get me emotionally invested?No they are too short for that, but they also made me think at times and I did get a laugh out of some of the stories so there were emotions.
- Where the characters relatable & interesting ?Not really, short stories struggle with this its hard to relate to a flash of a character
- Where there problems with the comic?Yes, in honesty the quality is amateur level. Art and lettering could be better. Even some if the stories needed an editors touch. But understand that’s OK because this is an improve comic book . The things that are problems make this feel more genuine and honest. Its pure creation they are sharing and that’s kinda cool in itself.
- Do I recommend this comic to others and what is the comics genre?Yes this comic is not the best comic ever made and that’s ok. It is a collection of inserting stories and point of views. Its a very gritty indie comic and sometimes you find gold in these type of comics & I know you will find at least one story in this that is golden to you. This is the kinda of comic that is magical because it shows how passionate/creative indie comic book creator are, that a comic like this is made and can be shared shows why indie comics are amazing. This is the SNL for comic books. And while this comic isn’t ready from prime time it is ready your fandom.
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