Jay Fosgitt meets The 7 Deadly Question .

13173671_10209579673189237_8265409047929847205_nName: Jay Fosgitt
Contact Info:
www. twitter.com/JayPFosgitt
www. instagram.com/jaypfosgitt
Location: Plymouth, Michigan


Avengers Annual (2016) variant cover artist, interior artist

Rocket Raccoon and Groot #5 (2016) artist
Avengers Standoff: Assault On Pleasant Hill (2016) cover artist

My Little Pony Omnibus (2016) cover artist
My Little Pony: Friends Forever #32 (2016) artist
My Little Pony: Friends Forever #28 (2016) artist
My Little Pony: Friends Forever #24 (2015) artist
My Little Pony: Friends Forever #22 (2015) artist
My Little Pony: Friends Forever #18 (2015) artist
gallery_MLPFF 22_cvrMy Little Pony: Friendship is Magic #29 (2015) artist
My Little Pony: Friends Forever #11 (2014) artist
Peabody and Sherman (2013) character designer

Dead Duck and Zombie Chick: Rising From the Grave (2016) creator/writer/ artist/colorist/letterer
Norah #1 (2016) pin up artist

gallery_Avengers_StandoffIMAGE COMICS
I Hate Fairyland #2 (2015) pin up artist

Scratch 9: Cat of Nine Worlds #3 (2014) cover artist


Jim Henson’s Labyrinth: Artist Tribute (2016) artistgallery_Spider-ham

The Amazing World of Gumball #5 (2014) cover artist
Adventure Time: Candy Capers #3 (2013) cover artist

Bodie Troll: Fuzzy Memories #1 (2015) creator/writer/artist/colorist/letterer
Bodie Troll vol. 1 #1-4 (2013) creator/writer/artist/colorist/letterergallery_Muppets-2

(2012) contributing artist

Necronomicomics (2011-2015) creator/writer/artist/colorist

Unlawful Good— An Anthology of Crime “Man of A Thousand Faces” (2015) Writer/artist

Sesame Street #2 (2015) contributing writer and artist
Sesame Street #1 (2013) contributing writer and artist
Dreamworks Animation Magazine (2012) contributing artist
Old McMonster’s Haunted Farm (2012) writer/artist/colorist/letterer
Dino Duck: Prehysterical (2011) writer/artist/colorist/letterer
Scouts (2011) character designer
Little Green Men: Small Package, Big Fun (2011) writer/artist/colorist/letterergallery_ArkhamPark
Little Green Men: It’s a Big World After All (2011) writer/artist/colorist/letterer
Little Green Men (2010) writer/artist/colorist/letterer
Dead Duck graphic novel #1 (2009) creator/writer/artist/colorist/letterer

Creative Title: Comic book creator
Favorite Comic: Hellboy by Mike Mignola
If you could have a 1 power: The ability to freeze time.


The Super  Creator Jay Fosgitt has come to parody

The7Deadly   Questions

Do you worry about being sued over you parody’s ?
No. Parody is protected under US law. Besides that, my parody pieces are conceived as exercises in creativity, not for mass production with intent of profit.

What is your favorite creation to this date?
In terms of parody, I’m most proud of my “Watchmoose” piece, which combines the unlikely pop culture icons from “Rocky and Bullwinkle” and “Watchmen”. With my comic book work, I’m most proud of my creator-owned comic, “Bodie Troll”.

Do you take it on yourself to make sure your female characters are handled carefully and not used in overall unnecessary sexual ways?
When I started off doing comics professionally in 2007, my first graphic novel, “Dead Duck”, was adult in its humor, so I had no problem using sex in my gags and characterizations. After awhile, I became more sensitive to how I was depicting women in my comics, and felt a pull to create comics that would appeal to all types of readers. So I’ve since adopted a predominately all-ages style of humor, storytelling and characterization in my work that I’m much happier with, and which feels a lot more honest and personal to who I really am.

Do you feel as a creator you need to stay away from certain topics? If so what topics are on your do not touch list?
I use whatever topics are most appropriate to the type of comic I’m creating. While I am mostly an all-ages comic creator, I do sometimes work in horror. So over the top violence and frightening imagery are perfectly acceptable in those cases. But I almost always shy away from violence that isn’t also humorous in some way, or sex for sex’s sake. I would never draw porn comics, for example.

What is on your must watch list?
As far as comics go, some of my favorites are “Hellboy”, “Flaming Carrot”, “Scott Pilgrim”, and “Rumble”.

What character would you own if you hit the megaball 1 billion jackpot?
Popeye. He’s my all-time favorite cartoon character. A few years back, Popeye became public domain in Europe, and almost became public domain in the states before King Features pulled some legal strings at the zero hour. I really regret that Popeye dodged being public domain. I’m convinced I could do something really cool with the character.

To you where is the line between fan art vs using other Ip’s to make a buck?
I disagree with selling fan art that is just a straight up interpretation of an established character. That is theft. If you can make a clever parody of something, and really make it your own, that is acceptable, and again, protected by US law.


Jay Fosgitt has made a Fan out of The 7 Deadly Questions, in fact The 7 Deadly Questions for the 1st time wants Jay Fosgitt to come back just so they can ask more Questions.  So Jay Fosgitt its time for the best sins of all Shameless Self Promotion.

“I’ve been told by some people that my comics are shared bedtime reading for their children. And I’ve been told by others that my work has a familiarity to cartoons they grew up watching, and yet are entirely original to their comic reading experiences. If I can make people happy with my comics, then I’m very proud and satisfied. Right now, I’m balancing work between issues of “My Little Pony: Friends Forever” and assignments for Marvel.”


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