Visit Alt World Studios: the words & art of Indie Storyteller Nick Davis On the Web at
Name: Nick Davis
Pen Name: “Ermm… Nick Davis”
Contact Info:
Location: Baltimore, MD
Credits: White Dwarf Magazine 1997 – 2003, Spooky Abigail, Alt World Studios Books
“Creative Title: “I have many, but I am currently working on Mr Button’s: One Shot”
Favorite Comic: “It was Cap during Brubakers run, right now I don’t really have one. But, I have a lot of time for anything under the 2000AD banner.”
If you could have a 1 power: “To be the Batman? I mean let’s face it, given the chance you should always be the Batman, and once you him you don’t need a power because you are the biggest Mary Sue character in comic book history and are undefeatable.”
Any Additional Personal Info: “I’m English, living in the USA and still unable to find a good cup of tea.”
The7Deadly Questions
What would it take for you to sell all rights away on MR Buttons? Whats the Magic Number??
I’ve actually been in this situation with my all-ages books Tristan & the Cuddly Defenders, you don’t actually sell all your rights you more like loan them for a set term. For Mr Button as with all my creations I don’t have a number because it is the deal you negotiate that is more important than monetary gain.
What Character do you need to write for?
What comment was made about MR buttons that made you beyond Mad?
I’ve been in this industry to long to get that point, some folk will like your work, some folk wont and there is nothing you will ever do to change their mind. As an Indie Creator you write your characters because you think they have an interesting story to tell, you don’t pander, that job is for the big two to do. I don’t have the time or budget, or the ability to be flexible enough to put our books depending on trends.
Have you cut corners to make something you weren’t proud of just to be on time?
We are competing in the same space as Marvel, DC, Image, IDW, Action Lab, etc… And therefore our books have to be the same quality and feel as those books. In many ways the quality of the books I produce are higher than the big guys because I can focus on them one at a time. I’ve been working in the graphics industry for a very long time, so I am have a good speed and a good team behind me to make our books the best that I can in the time frames that we have.
If anything I look at the work I am doing now, and the work I produced a couple of years ago and there is a marked improvement.
Would you rather have Mr Button have a modest success for you, or be partners with a big publisher having him become huge knowing you only get a small percentage of what you created??
This is a tough question, Mr Button is my character and creatively I have complete control over him, which is very important as there are places Mr Button is going to go that only I can take him.
I would like the book to do well enough for me to be able to keep printing his adventures, (after all production work is not cheap). but would I take him to a larger publisher for more exposure? I might do if the offer was given to me. You have to look at the gains in exposure, risk and I doubt the compensation percentage would be much different to what I am getting now small pressing my books. And getting out into a larger publisher means stepping up that ladder to write more books.
What is a success driven goal. IE if I get x money I am gonna get…
“To do well enough to be able to keep creating my stories, I have a lot of them to tell. So… If Mr Button does well enough it means the next book gets published.”
“What current book do you think you could write better and make it no longer suck!”
Now that Nick Davis has Survived The 7 Deadly Questions it is time for Nick’s Shameless Plug:
“I am the Chief Everything Officer for Alt World Studios, a small, small press that exists on the fringes of Indie publishing and the outskirts of Baltimore. I write stories from Once Upon A Time story book adventure, to all-ages adventure featuring Teddy Bears defending children from the Monsters under the bed you can view all my work, writings and art at”
“My current project is Mr Button’s: One Shot, an action comic that features a semi-psychotic Teddy Bear who is out to finish the fight against the Boogeyman for good and to take down all our childhood legends. The best way to describe the comic book it is like Evil Dead and Ted had a bastard love child. The book is a complete change of pace from my usual all-ages action although it still contains the same emotional punch that the Cuddly Defender books are known for. You can learn more about the book at”
Nick Davis
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