Satine Zillah, Prague’s Supremely Talented Artist goes up against THE 7 DEADLY QUESTIONS REVISTED .

This interview was not only the 1st interview we did that got huge numbers and in fact became the most viewed interview we ever did in 2016 and has remained one of the top 3 most viewed interview on WrittenSins to this very day, only a few view always from the top spot but this interview lead to the Creation of Fetish Babies.

After this interview Rob and Satine kept talking, Rob and would share the Story of Fetish Babies with her because he was so taken with the beauty of her art. She liked the story and Alyssa decided to offer her the lead artist role. So this interview lead to A Comic Book coming to life and a successfully Kickstarter being  launched. Bring the goal of WrittenSins to life, as the site brought creators together to create new worlds!

217308Name: Karolina Kavkova Nom_De_PlumeSatine   Zillah
Contact Info:
Location:Prague, Czech Republic   Credits:  Kick-Ass and Hit-girl Cover for Millarworld annual 2016 cover and interiors for Dangerous game covers for Only Human
Favorite Comic:   La madone de Pellini – story by Francois Rivere,
art by amazing Riccardo Federici
If you could have a 1 power:  Time traveling

Can Prague’s Super Artist Satine Zillah defeat

The7Deadly Questions


How do you view America and its creativity?

I’m from Europe therefore I can speak as an observer. I’m sure there’s a lot of creative people all around the world. But where there is no audience creativity cannot be spread or seen. America is huge which means there is an audience and possibilities for all kind of crazy ideas.

What is your dream job?
I’m already doing my dream job- comic artist. But I’d like to have more opportunities in big comic companies. Other than that I would love to be an actress, director or writer. I still have time to fulfill that!

2028956Does how women are portrayed in comics ever make you angry? If so how and why?
All those almost naked, non practical superhero costumes, and how women  are halfs as  strong as male characters bothers me. Women characters and their stories in comics have been written and drawn by men for decades. Of course this has affected women portrayals. But now it is going to be better now. I can see it at various comic titles and movies and I’m happy for it! 

1040330What is something you where asked to draw that you simply wouldn’t and why?

I’m person that is open to a lot of subjects and challenges.
I have a boundaries though. Such as everything I’m against.Some political views, discrimination, homophobia…etc.

6044620What characters are American audiences missing out on because we haven’t ripped them off  yet?

The one I’m working on! I feel that world is ripped off the stories like my own book Havoc. Still in process. I’m working on it 13 years. Won’t tell you specific since I don’t want anyone to get ahead of me.


What character did you have a crush on?
My ultimate crush was and still is Rogue and Gambit… both from X-men. Beautiful characters.







biophotoFBWhat was you favorite thing you ever drew painted and can we see it?
My favorite thing is my most recent one. Rogue oil painting. I’m working at whole X-men team for my exhibition.





Well done Satine Zillah you are an international superstar. The 7 Deadly Questions have granted you a single paragraph to tell us why we should become fans and what you are working on now :

Hello guys, I’m comic artist. My porfolio consists of realistic comic paintings and drawings. I would like to invite you to my facebook fan page you can access by clicking here . I’ll be launching Patreon project in july!


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