SECTION: M – The Return of the 60s WILDEST Heroes!
50 years after they vanished, 6 heroes are back to fight crime and take on world of the 21st Century
Remember the fun of those Bronze Age super team books? You bought for the big name character, but founder yourself learning to love those characters that might not ever get their own titles, so they got all of the character development. Get that feeling again by checking out SECTION: M on Indiegogo and help bring the Monster Heroes of the 60s into the 21st Century. –Sean Dulaney
* Some of the earliest comics I remember are the stack of DELL comics my maternal grandmother and great-grandmother had kept. (Mom’s super-hero and horror comics apparently sold fast at a rummage sale.) Those scattered issues of Four Color really helped build up the love of comics I have to this day and the inspiration for me to enter the industry, focusing on genres beyond capes and tights. As I got older, I learned more of the industry’s history and what became of DELL after they parted ways with Western Publishing. It was there I learned about the crew that would become SECTION: M.
DELL still chugged along doing TV and movie tie-ins, but when Batman became the surprise hit of 1966, their lack of super-heroes became a liability at the newsstand. Having produced one-shots of Frankenstein and Dracula, loosely based on the Universal films, the editors reasoned that if kids liked monsters and they liked super-heroes, why not combine the two? The results were… interesting. But they also had a certain charm.
Sean Dulaney is the writer and instigator of the project. Breaking in as an artist in Mike Hoffman’s TIGRESS TALES PIN-UP BOOK, he transitioned to writing, launching Dreah, Queen of Thieves, F. Stein: Consulting Detective and Kendar the Jungle Lord in DIGITAL WEBBING PRESENTS. His involvement in Platinum Studios’ “Comic Book Challenge” led to creation of the 51 DELTA graphic novel for Arcana. Recent projects include SUPERSONIC for Arcana, MISS VICKY and her CUTIE COMMANDOS with his Bimor Comics imprint and THE “IT” GIRL MURDERS coming in 2019 from Markosia.
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