Should the Villains sometime Win Grzegorz Pawlak, The 7 want to know. :: A Throw BacK Thread

Grzegorz Pawlak
Creative Position:
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Growing up:
and now:
100 Bullets
Website(s): bw/
Your Credits:
Profesor Andrews
Benedykt Dampc i skarb piratów

stronyThe7Deadly Questions

are Villans at heart who deserve to win all the time!

villainShould the Villains sometimes win?
Question, which gives a lot for thought.
First thought ”No”. But maybe… Probably… yes? Bad guys are sometimes able to do what is necessary. And sometimes from a bad deeds flows something good and vice-versa. It’s hard to predict the consequences of our actions in the long term.
And when we look on a comicbook villains we can see that a lot of them are now (or was) antihero or hero.

13071971_1204470692920042_7437202792933157783_oIf you could steal and get away using any character ever created as your own what character would it be and why them?
No one 🙂 I hope that I will some day create a character (him or her) that people could like. Maybe Mongrel would be that hero?jan-gotyk
But OK, there’s some characters that I like and it would be cool if they were mine. Like Batman, Hellboy, Daredevil, Wolverine (Logan) or Punisher. I like in them that they’re not innocent. They have some dark side inside them, but they try to fight with that. They’re doing what they can, do the best. That gives a hope. And they have their own code and honor.

13669209_1582882855344944_7762377377625430898_nWhat has been your favorite project to work on and why?
For now I has worked on tree projects. VILLAIN was the first one. Issue #1 and #2 was done five years ago. In the meantime in Poland I made two comicbooks. First was a “Benedykt Dampc i skarb piratów” (Benedict Dampc and pirate treasure) done in collaboration with a script writer Jerzy Szyłak. An andventure comicbook with some intrigue with a map and treasure and some plot twists. Action of that story is located in Poland in Cracow.
Second was a “Profesor Andrews” done in collaboration with a script writer villain_007-tifDominik Szcześniak. That book was based on a short story written by Olga Tokarczuk. This’s story aboud professor Andrews from England. He landed in Warsaw on the eve of an event that changed the history of Poland in 1981. We can see in this book how he try to understand what is going on around him without the knowledge of the Polish language.And now I’m working on VILLAIN again – superhero, crime story in noir style.
It’s hard to choose just this “one”, especially they are so different from one another. I like them all for different reasons.

villain-1Is female sexuality focused on too much in comic books or is just a case of giving the fans what they want?
Probably now there’s no such a problem like maybe a decade ago or in ‘90s. Man’s characters was also created in that way. Big muscles and square jaws 😉 Now there’s a lot female characters that looks like a normal girls and womans (Faith, Squirrel Girl (?), Ms. Marvel etc.). It’s a good change.
But if story needs or it’s focused on a sexuality of character, so why not do that?
If people are looking for different experiences and patterns why don’t give it to them? The most important is the story.

ze-szkicownikaDo you think the way we treat Convicts in America ensures that they will continue to be convicts, given the limits we put on them after they do there time?
I haven’t knowledge about that subject, so it’s a difficult for me to comment on… 🙁
I don’t live in USA.

ze-szkicownika-18Do you think everyone at one times or another Breaks at least on law, is there a villain inside us all just looking for an excuse to come out?
Yes. In everyone is a villain and a hero too. Everything probably depends on the place and time in which we are, who we are, what we want and what we can sacrifice etc.

img_20160905_171638What is a mistake you made in your early years that our readers can learn form ?
I don’t know 🙂
Maybe that could be a lesson? If you want to be in something good you need to focus on that think. Otherwise you always will feel that you’re worse then somebody. But don’t look at other guys. Practice and hard work. I know that it’s cliches but it’s tue 😉 I sometimes forget about that… it’s frustrating.


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