TBT:: If you give the 7 Deadly Questions Cookies they promise to go easy on you

Billhat3>>  Name:<<
>> William Hatfield<<
>> Nom De Plume:<<
>> William Hatfield<<
>> Creative Position:<<
>> Writer, author of Science Fiction and LGBT Fiction.<<
>> Contact Info:<<
>> williamhatfield@gator.net and https://www.facebook.com/bill.hatfield.167<<
>> Growing up:<<
>>I didn’t actually read many comics in my youth.<<
>> and now:<<
>> Daredevil, Strangers In Paradise and Mage.<<
BillHat1>> The 1 Superpower you want:<<
>> Intuitiveness<<
>> Location:<<
>> Gainesville, Florida<<
>> Website(s):<<
>>William on Facebook .<<
>> Your Credits:<<
>> Not sure what you want here. I have a B.S. in History and
Communications, and did graduate work in Middle Eastern Studies<<

 The 7 Deadly  Questions are busy eating cookies So I guess its Up to WS the Master of Ceremonys or in this case interviews!Billhat10BillHat8

>> What is your greatest creation?<<
>> I think LGBT novel Menu for Murder is my best fictional writing,and An Arm’s Reach Away is the best song I ever wrote.<<

>> Who is your favorite author and why?<<
>> This is hard to narrow down. The easy answer is either Robert E.
Heinelin or Nevil Shute. Or H. Beam Piper or James Clavell. Or Leigh
Brackett or Rex Stout. I could go on for some time like this. But why?
The SF&F writers because they wrote simple, yet rich stories, easy to
follow, fun to read, facilitating imagining oneself in these exotic
settings and times. The fictional writers because of their depth into
the culture they were immersed in, the thought-provoking situations,
characters and ideas they introduced me to.

>> If you could choose one story you made to become a movie which would it be and why?<<
>> Captive Audience. It reads fast, like a movie, has interesting
characters, plenty of action, and new rich cultural aspects to explore.
It is also the first in my SF series, so if it did well, there would be
sequels up the yin yang.<<

>> Are writing sex scenes hard for you, and how do you keep them from being either smut or lame?<<
>> I have always enjoyed the fore-play and the aftermath far more than the actual action culmination. I like leading up to and initiating the sex
scenes, but then carefully closing the door so that the reader can
insert)pun intended) their own details and personal favorite actions.
They all have a purpose, even if it is only the joy of the moment. But
more often than not, a good number of my sex scenes have a purpose and
contributes to the plot.
>> What about our society is a topic we need to address and fix?<<
>> Politeness and kindness. Both are totally renewable resources, and are
used far too seldom. I find that I can be polite to someone, and then
immediately draw upon the powers of politeness to be polite again, and
again, and again. The same thing with kindness. Kindness is the most
like act to be paid forward, and the world needs more of it.<<

>>Would you sell one of your book to a movie production company knowing you had no say in how they used your books and possible ruining it?<<
>> That is a very good question, and not easy to answer. I have a running
joke that when Dickens said it was the Best of times, it was the worse
of times, he was referring to selling a manuscript to the Sci Fi
channel. Best of times, they’re making a movie of my book. Worst of
times, I have no control and there’s a better than average chance they
will screw it up. I would gamble and sell it, but not before carefully
evaluating the people I’m doing business with.<<

>> What is a mistake you made in your early years that our readers can
 learn form ?<<
>> Don’t create anything you aren’t willing to live with for the rest of
your life. I also was not a big fan of editing, and didn’t see the
value in it, since my work was certainly ready to publish as is, with
no need of corrections…not!<<

>> Well done  you have a single paragraph to tell us why we should become fans  and what you are working on now :<<
>> If you like people, you will like my books. The reason I have a science
fiction series and am working on the sequel to my LGBT novel, thus
making it a series, is that I love people. The characters I create have
so much more story to tell, and you will like and loathe them, as
needed. You will find my take on almost everything to not be what you
expect, and will be kept interested in finding out where the heck I am
going with this.<<

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