presented byThe Uncanny COMiX DEVIL Mr. Andersin
Written SiNs Vol 1 THE COMiX DEViL
A Collections of The COMiX DEViL’s Tales
Ends July 29 2020
WrittenSiNs Comics Vol 1 The COMiX DEViL
F E A T U R I N G::
Hosted by
The ComiX DEVIL,
Rob AnderSiN,
Part of:The Comic Book ADVOCATES NETWORK
Why did you feel you need Kickstarters to help to launch your project and will your goal
if reached cover all the creative costs?
Printing isn’t Cheap. I cannot wait till the day I don’t need Kickstarter, but right now I just do. Without Kickstarter, I don’t know where I would be as a creator. But, I only ever ask for help with the printing. All money raised by Kickstarter goes back into the project Via printing. I do not profit from Kickstarters.
How did the creative team behind this Kickstarter Come together?
Honestly that a story for my Bio later in my life for all those involved in all the books being offered. However, as this will help to Print MENTOR SEARCH I met Damian Alves on Deviant Art. I was seeking a more classic comic book look and he had some amazing facial expressive art I feel in love with.
What do you believe separates your Kickstarter from the thousands of other
Kickstarters out there?
Well it about Fetish but isn’t a porn comic, It about human Sexauilty but doesn’t Preach a right way and teach the importance of education and consent. How many books can claim that?
Is the Kickstarter the Start of Something Bigger or is this a must-have One Shot?
This is the Continuation of Barbara’s Journey thought the NYC UNDERGROUND but the Kickstart offers a Rare look back to where it all began and offers things that are honestly once in a lifetime offers.
Are Stretch Goals something important to your project or just your way to give back to the Backers?
I hate stretch goals. I run lean campaigns and don’t ask for a lot. I will have to start planning for them and look at what others do more closely. I am just thrilled by anyone who believes so much in me they spend their money on what I create.
If you saw this project, pretending it wasn’t your what would do you think of it and how
you would react to it and Why?
Truthfully being about fetishes I would be worried, is this guy cashing in on my sexuality like so many before him, but given the art, I would buy at least the 1st issue and see what he’s about.