THE 7 REASONS with Guest JUDGE CHUCK and Nathaniel Gold



presented by  Nathaniel Gold

As seen on Instagram

The first collection of the Ike and Joe comic strip

All or nothing. This project will only be funded if it reaches its goal by Wed, June 10 2020 11:43 AM EDT.

Presented by Rahil Mohsin, Robert Gregory, and. Chuck  √

CatDad & SuperMom: An Elefart Never Forgets

A Tales of Conflict & Bullying addressed by Farts that teaches morals which

invites new readers & rewards all comic fans with laughter.

  Kickstarter CatDad & SuperMom Award Edition   

Now on INDIEGoGo for Pre-Ordering Catdad & SuperMom 1st issue

Ends June 20th

RECORDING LIVE at 4 pm EST on Sats (till ComCons Restart)



 Here is the LIST of




now Crowdfunding

Now part of


What is KICKSTARTER PAUSE? Well, it is when a

Guest sits down to Watch all the Crowdfunding

Videos we are ADVOCATING for and hits PAUSE

on the Video when their interest is lost in the

Video. This is a fun way to teach Creators about

Attention spans and whats Works and Does

Not work on their Videos.

Wanna be a Guest?

Have a Crowdfunding Campaign?

Comment below:: 

A FEW other RULES::

LAST WRITES, Campaigns ending in the week before the next Show get 1 minute without PAUSE ability

If there are 3 or more GUEST JUDGES it Take 2 Pauses to Stop the Video. 

If GUEST JUDGES don’t hit PAUSE they get a pass with out comment.

All Videos get cut off at 3 mins



All part of ON-Conns Experience

David Campiti Presents

BEAUTIFUL DREAMERS: A Coloring Book by Jinky Coronado

In a Stressful World of People Self-Isolating, This is an Sexy Coloring Book of Breathtaking Beauties To Calm the Heart and Soul

All or nothing. This project will only be funded if it reaches its goal by Wed, May 20 2020 11:32 AM EDT.

Presented by Monte Michael Moore √

Loco Hero

The first ever creator owned comics project written and created by industry veteran Monte Moore with cover art by top tier artists.

All or nothing. This project will only be funded if it reaches its goal by Fri, May 22 2020 10:00 PM EDT.

The Zombieful World of OZ #2: No Rest for the Wicked

The Zombieful World of OZ returns with issue 2. The Steampunk-Horror-Fantasy-Adventure returns!

All or nothing. This project will only be funded if it reaches its goal by Wed, May 27 2020 11:40 AM EDT.


presented by Michael Oden √

Elysian Fields: Issue 0

The Battle Royale of Legendary Heroes Has Begun!

All or nothing. This project will only be funded if it reaches its goal by Mon, May 30 2020 12:00 AM EDT.

presented by Bradley Golden √

SONNY#1 of 3

Issue 1 of 3. A demonic look alive doll is pursuing the neighborhood children to eat their souls!

All or nothing. This project will only be funded if it reaches its goal by Thu, May 21 2020 3:47 PM EDT.


presented by  Larry Holder

OTAS: The Lunar Rise #1 Relaunch

Young Onixia struggles to save his world from an ancient terror and his own people!

Ends May 25

Evan Pozios presents √

Johnny Phantasm 1977, Issues 1-3, 24 pages each!

The Tales of New Detroit, 1977 is BACK! Available one last time in a limited 3 issue comic run!

ends May 26th

presents David D Miller (D D Miller)√


A beat cop shot in the line of duty, is given a supernatural ring of light by God, to defeat the darkness that plagues his city.

All or nothing. This project will only be funded if it reaches its goal by Mon, June 1 2020 3:49 PM EDT.


Jason Dube presents

LYLITH & MARA Comic Book

The first Vampire and Succubus Sisters

ends June 5th

 Eugen Betivu Presents::

Wags and the Backyard Adventure

“Wags And The Backyard Adventure” is a children’s book based on the adventures of a golden retriever puppy named Wags

All or nothing. This project will only be funded if it reaches its goal by Fri, June 5 2020 12:00 PM EDT.

Roland Mann Presents:√

Silverline double feature: Divinity #1 and Twilight Grimm #1

Two brand new titles from Silverline Comics

All or nothing. This project will only be funded if it reaches its goal by Sat, June 6 2020 3:00 PM EDT.

John Schlim Jr Presents√

Battle Royale Planet: science fiction comics

A comic book series about champions from different planets forced to fight to the death to save their worlds.

All or nothing. This project will only be funded if it reaches its goal by Sun, June 7 2020 11:59 AM EDT.
1st Posted 

Martin Pierro presents:

Martin PierroFrom Blood: The Complete Series Issues 1-3

The complete From Blood saga is 73 pages of non-stop action and intrigue!

All or nothing. This project will only be funded if it reaches its goal by Sun, June 7 2020 10:00 PM EDT.

Shaun Keenan Presents√

XCT: Fractured Worlds

XCT: Fractured Worlds is another action packed adventure within the XCT Universe.

All or nothing. This project will only be funded if it reaches its goal by Fri, June 12 2020 4:59 AM EDT.

The Epics of Enkidu

Featuring a hero with Autism in what could be the sequel to the oldest story found in human history.


All or nothing. This project will only be funded if it reaches its goal by Fri, June 12 2020 4:59 AM EDT.

Presented by Rahil Mohsin, Robert Gregory, and. Chuck  √

CatDad & SuperMom: An Elefart Never Forgets

A Tales of Conflict & Bullying addressed by Farts that teaches morals which

invites new readers & rewards all comic fans with laughter.

  Kickstarter CatDad & SuperMom Award Edition   

Now on INDIEGoGo for Pre-Ordering Catdad & SuperMom 1st issue

Ends June 20th

Want us to cover your Kickstarter?  Email us the information atINDIEADVOCATES@GMAIL.COM

New Kickstarters added weekly 

Have a Topic you want to see on the INDIE ADVOCATES? Email us at INDIEADVOCATES@GMAIL.COM

An Informative Video about what your KICKSTARTER VIDEO

Should and shouldn’t be:


Coming Soon to


Christie Shinn Mine is coming up 5/20. Here is the preview link and that will be the same when it goes live! Follow it!…/demon-bitch-the-i-told…

No photo description available.

Sylvester Edmonds presents

Image may contain: one or more people




Part of:The Comic Book ADVOCATES NETWORK

Want Your Event, Kickstarter, IndieGoGo or NEWS shared on our site?
Send us an email with all the info  to the needed to  ComicBookADVOCATES@GMAIL.COMCopyright © All rights reserved to Creators.
#MrAndersin, #ADVOCATE, #COMICCON, #ComicNEWSwire,, #ComicBooks, #ART, #CREATORS, #ComicConHighway, #ComicConForecast,, #KICKSTARTER, #KICKSTARTERPAUSE, #KICKSTARTER, #ONConn, #ComicBookNetwork, #TheADVOCATENETWORK, #IndieVolt, #NSCLIVE











Quick update to our terms for covering crowdfunding ::: Disclaimer:: By Posting in a Thread or asking us to Advocate for your crowdfunding you give us permission to share it as part of threads and have it on our Show Kickstarter Pause ( info for that found here ) and to post it in threads we deem an excellent way to gain your crowdfunding extra exposure and reach. You are free to opt-out, but this is an all in or not all thing. We want to ADVOCATe for as many projects as we can, but we do it how we deem best via The ADVOCATiNG Network. If your campaign has no video, we will feature it as a picture and read its page line and name. We respect Creators right as such any copyright music in a Video will not be featured on our site or shown on our show. We will add it to the list as if it does not have a video.

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