THE RESISTANTS: Kestrel #1 As Kestrel, corporate weapons designer, Erin Hawthorne, uses her position and skills to fight for those that no one else will fight for . .

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In the 22nd century, corporate-states and individual republics rule over most of the former American Southwest. When employed by the corporate-states, one enjoys the privilege of land and liberty. The unemployed are cast out and forced to fend for themselves. With nowhere else to go they gather outside the border walls, a constant reminder of the cost of business. Corporate weapons designer, Erin Hawthorne, uses her position of privilege to fight for those that no one else will fight for. As the burgeoning hero Kestrel, she aids THE RESISTANTS in their battle to bring the power back to the people. See the first time she met the uncompromising strike force and what ignited her cause in this explosive one-shot comic book.


The first six issues of THE RESISTANTS & HYPER-ACTION were self-funded with my self-publishing company Big Blue Comics. I really wanted to demonstrate that I could put out a consistent, high-quality book. These high-action sci-fi comic book series star alien refugees, human outlaws, and bounty hunters battling oppressive corporate-states, and each other, while trying to help the down-trodden. With art by established veteran artists Jason Johnson (Gen 13, The Howling), Ben Herrera (Superboy, Star), Jason Howard (Super Dinosaur, Trees), and others, we created professional quality books with an independent edge. We took those issues to 15 conventions in 2017, receiving a great response from fans and creators alike. So for our next issue, we are going to try something different; this Kickstarter.


We are looking to fund the cost of printing along with some added bonuses if we reach our stretch goals. Our rewards include the book we are funding as well as our previous comics, THE RESISTANTS: The Broadcast Offensive and HYPER-ACTION. With your help and support we can keep telling stories about these amazing action heroes. 


My name is K.J. Kaminski. I am the co-creator/ writer/ letterer/ publisher of the sci-fi action comic series THE RESISTANTS. I have been a comic book fan and aspiring creator for as long as I can remember, as well as decades of experience in the retail side of the industry. For the past couple of years I have been building Big Blue Comics, releasing six books in 2017.

I’m joined on this issue by:

Artist Jason Johnson:

Jason Johnson is an illustrator/comic book artist/concept artist that started his career in 1995 at Wildstorm/Homage Studios under the tutelage of master comic book artist Jim Lee. He’s worked on vast titles like Team 7, Wetworks, Gen13, Bay City Jive, DV8, Generation X, Flash, Impulse, Robin, Knight Rider, Airwolf, Alan Tudyk’s Spectrum, and The Howling.

Colorist Teo Gonzalez:

Teo has been coloring comic books for more than 10 years after studying graphic design in Venezuela. He’s worked for many pubishersincluding: Aspen, Dynamite and DC.

Variant Cover Artist Gus Vazquez:

Gus has been working in comics for almost twenty years. He’s originally from NYC, now living in Los Angeles, CA. Born in Puerto Rico, but raised in the states from a young age. His credits from Marvel, DC, and Image Comics include: Big Hero Six, Amory Wars, Suicide Squad, Arrow, Flash and more.

Cover Color Artist Ross A. Campbell (Wayward, Pathfinder). 



see Kickstarter for more info on REWARDS by clicking here



We have some fun stretch goals planned if we make it past our funding goal. First up is a blast from the 90’s; print of an uncut trading card set. This 10.5″ X 7.5″ full color print features the characters from THE RESISTANTS on the front with short bios of each on the back. Dynamic artwork by Jason Johnson with colors by Ross A. Campbell and Teo Gonzalez.

Also planned are a set of vinyl stickers featuring our most popular characters in action poses by Jason Johnson, Ben Herrera and Drew E. Johnson. If the campaign is a smash success, we have another full comic book one-shot starring the Bounty Hunter Polyzena with artwork by Ben Herrera and Teo Gonzalez.

Risks and challenges

All the artwork and colors have been completed for Kestrel #1. After the finishing production touches it will be ready to go to our printer. It will take approximately 10 weeks after the close of the campaign until all the rewards are shipped out. That includes 6 weeks for the books to get back from the printer and another 2-4 weeks after that, to get all the rewards out. The rest of our other books are available now.

Learn about accountability on Kickstarter

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