Straight From Facebook LIVE for those who have a life and Went out Friday Night unlike old man Rob here is what you missed
Quick Add on Notes:
Untold Was Created by Daniel Farrand and Johannes Vick was the Creator of the Art we wanted to Give Daniel Farrand The Credit he deserves for an amazing Comic
Click her to see The Untold Comic
Kim Roberts Nomination for Beauty was in fact 6 pages Not 5 See it the nomination by Clicking here
Here is the Kickstarter Sheet from the Video
Few Points:
Ends at .
JUPITER JET by Jason Inman Ashley Victoria Robinson Taylor Esposito Action Lab Entertainment WAS in FACT FEATURED BY KICKSTARTER
STRANGE HORROR by Gary Scott Beatty is SOOOO CLOSE TO GOAL GET ON BOARD and lets make Stretch Goals Happen
THE SLIP by Author Cody B. Stewart has Funded
CAYRELS RING by Shannon Lentz has funded
CLOSER #1 by J.M. Bryan is BACKED by ROB ANDESIN…/closer-issue-1-make-100-editi…
We will have a NEW LIST Starting tomorrow and we will continue to call it the Bender List
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