Theodore Raymond Riddle
Creative Position:
Contact Info:
Growing up:
Punisher Mini-Series by Mike Zec

and now:
The first three Batman Dark Knight by David Finch
The 1 Superpower you want:
To draw better everyday!
Hackettstown, NJ
Theodore Raymond Riddle Credits:
Just before I started to self publish in 1998. I had a run of creator owned comic series that ran in the following magazines, Black Belt Magazine, Inside Kung Fu, Computer Gaming World, and Four Wheeler. These series all paid very well and helped me to launch Compu-M.E.C.H., Mechanically Engineered and Computerized Hero®. I never looked back!
The7Deadly Questions
“2x as good looking as AI”-The 7
What about Compu-M.E.C.H will have people coming back for more?
The fact that the Compu-M.E.C.H. graphic novels are always changing as technology changes. Our heroes always are able to come up with a new technology to fight the next even more powerful villain. So the question on everyone’s mind is what the heck is Theodore Raymond Riddle going to come up with next.
What other Title/TV/Movie would you like to SEE Compu-Mech Cross over with?
I’m sorry I can’t answer that question, because I am currently working on that very endeavor as we speak.
Will the Compu-Mech team be growing in the near future ?
As for Compu-M.E.C.H. The core members as of issue 24 are Tommy Chase the controller of The M.E.C.H. Unit, Lesa Chase, Tommy’s wife and medical advisor to the the program, their son Samuel Chase, also know as The Atomizer for this powers, and Zachary, the A.I. Computer System which is monitoring everything on the entire planet as we speak. Dr. Green passed away in Issue 22. He was the inventor of the entire Compu-M.E.C.H. Program and The M.E.C.H. Unit.
How human is Mech and will sexuality be addressed in the comic?
M.E.C.H. is totally a robot, but he can not self animate. Tommy is the only reason that he is able to move. As for sexuality. Yes, that will and has already been addressed. Tommy and Lesa had Samuel out of wedlock. With their contract with the government they weren’t supposed to engage in a relationship. So to get around this because they were truly in love they decide to have a child from their
pure love. They were heavily criticized for this action by the public. As for the joining of human and machine, you will have to read my books. I’m way ahead of you.
Do you think AI will be humanity's end?

I will be addressing that in up and coming issues of Compu-M.E.C.H.. So you’ll just have to buy my books to find out.
How far do you plan on taking Compu-M.E.C.H? Will there be a Movie or Netflixs series?

For me the sky is the limit. The limits you place upon yourself are as far as you will go!
What is a mistake you made in your early years that our reader can learn form ?
Not listening to myself and letting others influence my decisions, even mentors. I always knew that I wanted to be a self published graphic novelist. I listened to, too many negative people, who told me it could not be done, or you’ll never have the time to do all the work. Well guess what? I did it, so go from your gut. Don’t listen to the negative people! If you want something bad enough all you have to do is to work your hardest for it, then you will do it. No matter what anyone else says! Be an army of 1 if you have to!
Well done Theodore you have Chipmunked your way to safety. Have a single paragraph to tell us why we should become fans and what you are working on now :
” My novels are extremely versatile in their writing and art. You can say that they are almost prophetic. I have published my first 24 issues and Issue 25 will be released October 2016. This is a landmark issue and also a big surprise, which I can’t tell you about at this time. In addition issue 26 is due out in February of 2017 will be a great place for new readers to jump on the wagon with a fresh set of stories and plot. In the meantime while you are waiting for those issue to come out you can catch up on some back issue if you already haven’t. www.monolithcomics.com Thank you very much for taking the time to read about Monolith Comics and Compu-M.E.C.H. “
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[…] Theodore Raymond Riddle Publisher/Creator/Artist/Writer […]
[…] Theodore Raymond Riddle Publisher/Creator/Artist/Writer […]
[…] Theodore Raymond Riddle Publisher/Creator/Artist/Writer […]
[…] Theodore Know that according to The 7 Deadly Questions They are not only smarter than AI but.. […]