Victor Dandridge has Moved on in the Legion M Elevator pitch program

Thank you ALL for watching this big moment unfold with me! I appreciate the immense love and support and hope that you remain inspired to pursue every creative passion you’ve left undone! ❤️🤓😁

What this is about for those who don’t know:


Legion M works with top Hollywood creators to bring boldly original movies, TV and VR to market. We’re also the first media company in history built from the ground up to be owned by…YOU!\\

We believe the next great media company should be owned by FANS. Not because it’s a fun idea (well, that’s not the ONLY reason), but because it’s an extremely powerful business model. After all, FANS buy the tickets, pay the subscription fees, and decide what to watch. As individuals, we’re just consumers…

But when we band together, we can change the world.

Watch the Pitch Elevator Announcement during October 6th livestream. (Tune in at 11:09)

First off, we need to thank everyone for being so patient. When we started the Pitch Elevator initiative last October, we had planned to have it completed in early 2017. However, once we launched the first round of voting something really cool happened–we started getting interest in the show. What had begun as a fun booth activation at Stan Lee’s Los Angeles Comic Con had turned into a treatment (which you can see here) that we were pitching to online distributors and network television executives. We hit “pause” on the voting while we worked to see if we could find distribution and sponsors.

I’m happy to report that we’ve had significant progress on that front. We’ve got some great sponsors and distribution partners interested launching a second season of Pitch Elevator in early 2018. Which means we’ve got a golden opportunity to use the current season to further develop the show.

THe  face of Joy from the  Creator Victor Dandridge Jr moving on to a new round, he streamed this momet with his millions of Fans, The Hardest working man in comic final has leveed up, it about time woRLD!

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