We talked about Making Indie Comic Fans Better Consumer but Russell Nohelty reminded us That Creators need to also run a Better Bussiness

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Your Responsibilities as a fan of Indie Comic Book Fan

The Following are the Views of Russell Nohelty and We Respected his View and Think they are worth reading.

Russell Nohelty While I respect what you are saying, I think that indie creators need to focus a large portion of their attention to producing at scale if they want to succeed. We can keep writing these think piece articles, or we can figure out how to get our books down to a reasonable cost to produce, and how to sell enough of them to make a profit.

While Marvel prints books for $.10 a pop or less, they also have massive overhead to support, which is why they need to print 10,000 units to break even.

A creator doesn’t need to do that. They could create a book and print it for $.30-$.50 (which is totally possible with only printing 2,000-3,000 copies), and still make the same margins of Marvel who have to sell a lot more in order to support themselves, and have a lot more product.

Yeah, it means investing $1,000-$2,000 in your business on top of art, but then you can actually compete with a $3-$5 price point, and you have a chance to scale.

I just don’t buy into this “you should be willing to spend 10x more than market on an indie”. I think indies have to take it upon themselves to invest in the product and come down to a reasonable price point. Yeah, there will always be a premium, but it can be mitigated by thinking smarter.

A print can cost as little as $.65 or less to produce. A book can costs as little as $.30, but we have to be smarter, not asking fans to take pity on us and pay considerable more than the market can bear.

I’m interested in the conversation, and I think that while it’s not easy to invest a couple grand into a book on the foreground, it is possible to beat marvel and dc at their own game by leveraging our small size and ability to get out in front of people.


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