All Creators can have a table. The First wave is limited to A-Z with each letter going 1-10. We have 260 tables. Table Requirements are simple, YOu need to be a Comic Books Creator or part of the creation process. Your Table can redirect to your personal site, FACEBOOK, INSTAGRAM, ETC or you lets have it go to an archive of your stories, art and all things we covered with you in it on this site. That is the Default setting. That means your, Interviews, Kickstarter info, ART, Appearances and Comic Books you give us to showcase all are in one link or again a personal link you choose for us to redirect to. Tables can be for your Studio or Creative GROUP. And UNLIKE COMIC CONS, That’s Right You can Have a table for you and then be in other Studios or Creative groups. Any questions just email us or leave a comment and we will get back to you ASAP! SP Who Wants a Table?