*********FREE STUFF ALERT********
We understand that we’re a new company and in a crowded market like comics, growth is slow. We decided to incorporate you all to help us grow. We have a promos that allow you all to get free stuff for helping us. Here’s what you can do. –
5 random people who already liked our page gets a prize. Prizes will vary from a print, a poster, a wallpaper, a digital book, or a hard copy of an Evoluzione title –
Every Tuesday we need you all to share a post from our page. What do you get for doing so? 5 random 1st place winners get a hard copy of an Evoluzione comic choice. 10 random 2nd place winners get a digital copy of an Evoluzione comic of their choice. 20 random 3rd place winners get a wallpaper. – AWARENESS
Every Wednesday morning Evoluzione will release our “Like Goal” for that day. If we reach our goal for that day, everyone who has liked are page gets a wallpaper. 1st place winner get a hard copy of an Evoluzione comic choice. 10 random 2nd place winners get a digital copy of an Evoluzione comic of their choice. –
One the first Friday of every month put Evoluzione fan art on your timeline tagging Evoluzione or Marcel Dupree. 1 1st place winner get an original page from an Evoluzione. 3 2nd place winners gets a head sketch of an Evoluzione character. 5 3rd place winners get an Evoluzione print
All of this is Happening HERE:
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